Essential Worker Status

What are we thinking?  

I woke up thinking about my retirement investments that I watch weekly for their performance.  I’m already at retirement age so my investing scheme should be more laid back and allow my assets to grow slow and protect what I have most importantly as opposed to riskier investments that could shake my base.  My thinking then shifted to some of my riskier time spent.  Preaching the gospel, the good news with signs wonders and miracles following.  In comparison to the retirement investment thoughts there is a huge difference.  Just like the financial market it watch production. In comparison my results in the gospel were not conservative, they were bullish. About 90% of those I reached out to with the good news that Jesus heals were healed.  I know the percentage is quite high by comparison, but that is why I kept track.  I wanted results or else I was likely doing something wrong.  An example to what I am saying is when I prayed for certain illnesses, the person carrying that illness/injury would not get healed.  This caused me to go to Jesus and check my approach, how is my pride?  Was my combined faith, belief, love levels healthy? Was I growing in my authority?  Was I intimidated by the impossibility?  After 5 years in training in this new development of ministry, I definitely had issues  to overcome.  On the contrary, I never had wheel chair bound car accident injuries in my profile either but I do now.  I never had lupus, arthritis, cancer, COPD, spinal injuries, heart disease, diabetes, Achilles, partial blindness, foot injuries, knee injuries either as time went on, now I do.  

In the way I am approaching essential workers in a time of a pandemic lock down, I should have access to hospitals and nursing homes. But I don’t. I am not recognized by the medical community even though my results supersede theirs and my services are already paid for. Something is wrong with this scenario. It’s upside down. In a large way, the atmosphere and lack of belief that the gospel does not work in our communities is that the church does not believe the gospel works like the way Jesus and the Apostles presented it.

Author: supernaturallyreal

3rd generation American with heritage in Italy, Germany and Poland. Called to relationship with Jesus Christ in 1974. Married to Debra since 1991. Raised 7 children. Master electrician and also a musician. Working on my first book. Things written here are in part a portion or chapters in my book.

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