Fire From Heaven Changes Gay Man’s Life

It’s been awhile since I posted here. I got into prophetic art and it lowered my creative writing time. I have a story to publish here of an actual event from Northern California

I am currently writing a book called Witnesses. Only on Chapter 2. Here is one of the stories from this book.

In Northern California a group of youth went out into the marketplace. They had a routine to talk to people in public. Teens, college and career age seldom have counseling skills. Life hasn’t granted them the life experience yet. My wife related to me this story. a young man encountered a gay man. They cordially talked about Jesus. The gay man did not feel judged. The young man who initiated the conversation then asked if he could pray for him. Obviously there was a report build and the gay said sure. No one expected what happened next. Both men felt heat, unusual heat. Young man praying felt it in his hands and arm and the gay felt it go from head to toe. The length of time the two stood there but what happened next both men will recall forever. The gay stood there and expounded on what he witness from what started out to be a friendly causal prayer. Most people are willing to accept prayer because they believe it “does not work.” Almost immediately the gay said to the young minister. “You did not know this, but I am on my way to meet my partner. We were going to meet at the court house. He had plans to marry him that day. He was on his way there now. He said, “I just lost all desire to do that. I also have no desire to be gay at all. It’s all gone.”

These kinds of heavenly invasions in the earth can impact 1-10 people quickly as they are witnesses of heaven invading earth.

Author: supernaturallyreal

3rd generation American with heritage in Italy, Germany and Poland. Called to relationship with Jesus Christ in 1974. Married to Debra since 1991. Raised 7 children. Master electrician and also a musician. Working on my first book. Things written here are in part a portion or chapters in my book.

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